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In the age of digital accessibility, social clout, and ephemeral imagery, it’s easy to forget the power of analysis, exploration and design - its ability to alter people’s perspectives, to declare the perceived ordinary as something worth valuing, to live life as a testament to the emotion of a moment. Photography, video, design and architecture have the ability to transcend differences that divide and to connect the creator and the viewer, opting for critical engagement, assuming the execution of innovation.


This site is undefined, yet it intends to exist as a digital portfolio, a platform through which various explorations and experiments have been wittingly conducted, incorporating my knowledge and passion for travel, architecture, photography, videography and design. It is dictated not by numbers, but rather as a personal experiment, a craft, a process, and an undying celebration of this beautiful, broken, and creative life.


My name is Naeem Adam: an M(Architecture) graduate from Johannesburg, South Africa, and I am a forever proclaimed student and practitioner of life.


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